Fotos de shows e cães, resenhas e opiniões sobre música em geral. / Pics of gigs and dogs, reviews and opinions about music.
17 de abril de 2012
Sebastian Bach: Kicking and Screaming at Carioca Club (São Paulo, April 14th, 2012)
Last Time Sebastian Bach visited Brazil to perform live was with Guns’n’Roses in 2010. It was one of those rare occasions in which I preferred the opening act to the headliner. GnR did a great show, indeed, but it’s been years since last time I saw Baz (or as we call him in Brazil , Tião, short from his name in Portuguese, Sebastião, a popular name here) performing live with Skid Row. And he’s one of the friendliest singers I’ve ever seen on stage. I dare to say that he’s able to communicate with the crowd like Paul Stanley, playing and talking to the people.
I saw him twice before: at Hollywood Rock Festival in Rio the Janeiro and at a Skid Row concert in Maracanãzinho, also in Rio de Janeiro , both in 1992. Although he was very young then, I could see he was already some kind of force of nature.
He always had an impressive presence at the stage and always knew how to deal with the crowds. It wasn’t different last Saturday at Carioca Club.
Although this place is not the best choice for a Rock concert, although it was so packed and hot (almost unbearable), nothing mattered when Baz occupied the stage with his huge presence. He was back and he started with the killer Skid Row song Slave to the grind. The crowd went nuts since the very moment he started his headbanging.
Baz headbanging and happy. |
Then he played Kicking and Screaming, from his excellent new album that has the same name. Here I have to mention the excellent guitar player Nick Sterling. He’s only 21 and has co-written most of Kicking and Screaming album. Some of the songs he has written by himself, like the vibrant power ballad I’m Alive (also played in the concert). It’s worth to note the whole band: the drummer Bobby Jarzombek, the guitar player Johnny Chromatic and the bass player Jason Christopher, all very talented.
Talking about ballads, one of the highlights of the gig was when he sang Wasted Time, In a Darkened Room (both Skid Row songs) and By Your Side (from his album Angel Down) with the crowd singing along each and every word of the lyrics. Don’t get me wrong, though. Sebastian is completely Rock’n’Roll. And their last albums, Angel Down and Kicking and Screaming prove that; he's not only a ballad singer as someone may think.
Perfect show and a great night, with Sebastian Bach performing at his best and happy for being on the stage, although some small problems of the venue, but it didn’t affect the night at all. I’m sure everybody went home happy with what we saw and what we received.
Sebastian Bach: turnê Kicking and Screaming no Carioca Club (São Paulo, 14 de abril de 2012)
A última vez em que Sebastian Bach visitou o Brasil para tocar ao vivo foi com o Guns’n’Roses em 2010. Foi uma daquelas raras ocasiões em que eu gostei mais do show de abertura do que da atração principal. O Guns fez um ótimo show, mas muitos anos se passaram desde a última vez em que vi o Baz (ou como nós gostamos de chamá-lo no Brasil, Tião) tocando ao vivo com o Skid Row. E ele é um dos cantores mais simpáticos que eu já vi no palco. Ouso dizer que ele consegue se comunicar com a plateia que nem o Paul Stanley, brincando e conversando com as pessoas.
Eu o vi duas vezes antes com o Skid Row: no Hollywood Rock e em um show no Maracanãzinho, ambos em 1992. Embora ele fosse ainda muito jovem na época, pude perceber que ele já era algum tipo de força da natureza.
Ele sempre teve uma presença de palco impressionante e sempre soube como lidar com as plateias. Não foi diferente no último sábado no Carioca Club.
Embora esse lugar não seja a melhor opção para um show de Rock, embora estivesse completamente lotado e muito quente (quase insuportável), nada disso importou quando Baz ocupou o palco com sua grande presença. Ele estava de volta e começou com a canção matadora do Skid Row Slave to the Grind. A plateia enlouqueceu desde o primeiro momento em que ele começou a bater cabeça.
Baz batendo cabeça e feliz. |
Em seguida, ele tocou Kicking and Screaming, de seu excelente último álbum homônimo. Aqui, quero destacar o excelente guitarrista Nick Sterling. Ele tem apenas 21 anos e co-escreveu a maior parte do álbum Kicking and Screaming. Algumas das músicas ele escreveu sozinho, como a vibrante power ballad I’m Alive (também tocada no show). Vale a pena destacar toda a banda: o baterista Bobby Jarzombek, o guitarrista Johnny Chromatic e o baixista Jason Christopher, todos muito talentosos.
Falando em baladas, um dos destaques do show foi quando ele cantou um medley com Wasted Time, In a Darkened Room (ambas do Skid Row) e By Your Side (de seu álbum Angel Down) com o público emocionado, cantando a letra do começo ao fim. Mas não me entendam mal: Sebastian é completamente Rock’n’Roll. E seus últimos discos, Angel Down e Kicking and Screaming provam isso; ele não é apenas um cantor de baladas, como alguns podem pensar.
Show perfeito e uma ótima noite, com Sebastian Bach em sua melhor forma e feliz por estar no palco, embora tenham ocorrido alguns probleminhas no lugar, mas que não tiram o brilho da noite de jeito nenhum. Tenho certeza de que todos nós fomos para casa felizes com o que vimos e recebemos.
1 de abril de 2012
Papo rápido com o autor de Tales from the stage, Michael Toney

Tales from the stage ainda não foi lançado, mas já é um sucesso. Escrito por Michael Toney, o livro será lançado em julho de 2012 e é um livro não ficcional que inclui entrevistas com músicos profissionais de rock/metal. Por ser baterista também, Michael pode nos dar uma visão “interna” de ótimas histórias contadas por personagens interessantes. Enquanto esperamos, é possível obter mais informações sobre o livro no Facebook:!/talesfromthestage
E nós batemos um papo rápido com Michael Toney para saber um pouco mais sobre seu projeto tão interessante.
PDRR: Conte-nos um pouco sobre você e como você teve a ideia de escrever “Tales from the stage”.
Michael: Eu tive a sorte de me aposentar em outubro. Eu toco bateria desde os 14 anos e participei de várias bandas de metal com o passar dos anos. Eu amo Hard Rock e o ambiente desse tipo de música, então tive essa ideia. Eu já havia escrito um livro semelhante em 2007, chamado "Tales from the Cage" com o mesmo conceito, só que com lutadores de MMA. Eu teria muita dificuldade para fazer esse se não estivesse aposentado. É um processo muito demorado!
PDRR: Você pode citar algumas das pessoas que entrevistou?
Michael: Bruce Kulick (Kiss), Tim "Ripper" Owens (Judas Priest), Chris Holmes do WASP, Ron Keel. Até agora já entrevistei 11 pessoas. Eu vou guardar alguns dos nomes para divulgação futura, mas é realmente uma ótima lista de Profissionais do Metal.
PDRR: Eu ouvi dizer que você fez perguntas como: se você fizesse um teste de drogas hoje, qual seria o resultado? ou Qual o tamanho da sua casa? Você teve alguma dificuldade para obter as respostas? Quero dizer: você acha que esses artistas falaram abertamente sobre todos os assuntos?
Michael: Os participantes foram incrivelmente francos comigo. A maioria deles falou um pouco sobre suas casas. Todos eles falaram abertamente sobre seu uso de drogas no passado e até mesmo atualmente – mas a maioria deles está limpa no momento. Eu perguntei a alguns dos caras com quantas mulheres eles estiveram. Alguns responderam, outros não. A pergunta "Experiência mais louca com uma groupie?" rendeu algumas respostas bem legais!
PDRR: Quanto tempo foi/está sendo necessário para escrever o livro? Você está gostando?
Michael: Eu comecei o trabalho no início de janeiro. Em seguida fui ao NAMM no final de janeiro e lá fiz o meu contato inicial com muitos dos entrevistados. Desde então, tenho trabalhado em média 60 horas por semana. Lembre-se: eu trabalho sozinho, então é um processo demorado. E do conceito ao produto completo, serão apenas 6 meses. Isso deve ser um recorde! Considerando que as entrevistas são bastante atuais, mas que essas informações são sensíveis em termos de tempo, é importante lançar o livro assim que possível. Apesar de haver vantagens e desvantagens em tudo, esse é o melhor "trabalho" que eu já fiz!
PDRR: Quando o livro será lançado e como poderemos adquiri-lo?
Michael: Ele será lançado em julho em O site está sendo criado ainda, mas a página do Facebook está bastante atualizada e é nela que informaremos às pessoas todos os detalhes referentes à linha do tempo no livro.
Quick Chat with Tales From The Stage author, Michael Toney
Tales from the stage hasn’t been released yet, but it’s already a success. Written by Michael Toney, the book will be released in July 2012 and is a non-fiction book that features interviews with rock/metal music professionals. Being a drummer himself, Michael is able to give us an “insider” point of view of great stories told by interesting characters. While we wait, it’s possible to find more information about the book in Facebook:!/talesfromthestage
And we’ve had a quick chat with Michael Toney to know a little bit more about his interesting project.
PDRR: Please tell me a little bit about you and how did you get the idea about writing “Tales from the stage”?
Michael: I was lucky enough to retire in October. I played drums since 14, and have been in numerous metal bands over the years. I love hard rock music and the environment, so I came up with this idea. I had previously written a similar book in 2007 called "Tales from the Cage" which was the same idea, only featured MMA fighters. I would have a difficult time doing this if I wasn’t retired. It is very time consuming!
PDRR: Can you name a few of the people you have interviewed?
Michael: Bruce Kulick (Kiss), Tim "Ripper" Owens (Judas Priest), Chris Holmes from WASP, Ron Keel. I have interviewed 11 at this point. I will save some of the names for a later date, but it is really a good list of Metal Pros.
PDRR: I’ve heard you did questions such as: If you took a drug test today, what would it tell us? or How big is your house? Did you have some difficult in getting the answers? I mean: do you think those artists talked freely about all the topics?
Michael: The participants have been incredibly open with me. Most of them tell me a little bit about their house. All of them have been open about their drug use in the past, and even current drug use--but most of them are clean at this point. I have asked some of the guys how many women they think they have been with. Some answered, some didn’t. "Craziest Groupie Experience?" has made for some good answers!
PDRR: How much time did it take to write the book? Did you enjoy it?
Michael: I started doing the leg work for the book in early January. I then went to the NAMM show in late January, and that is where I made my initial contact with a lot of the guys. Since then it has been averaging about 60 hours a week. Remember, I am a one man operation, so it does take a lot of time. And from concept to complete product, it's only taking 6 months. That might be some kind of record! Given that the interviews are somewhat time sensitive, it's important that I release the book as soon as possible. Although there are ups and downs with everything, this is the best "job" that I have ever had!
PDRR: When it will be released and how can we get it?
Michael: It will be released in July on The website is currently under construction, but our Facebook Fan Page is very up to date and will be where we let people know all of the details regarding the timeline on the book.
And we’ve had a quick chat with Michael Toney to know a little bit more about his interesting project.
PDRR: Please tell me a little bit about you and how did you get the idea about writing “Tales from the stage”?
Michael: I was lucky enough to retire in October. I played drums since 14, and have been in numerous metal bands over the years. I love hard rock music and the environment, so I came up with this idea. I had previously written a similar book in 2007 called "Tales from the Cage" which was the same idea, only featured MMA fighters. I would have a difficult time doing this if I wasn’t retired. It is very time consuming!
PDRR: Can you name a few of the people you have interviewed?
Michael: Bruce Kulick (Kiss), Tim "Ripper" Owens (Judas Priest), Chris Holmes from WASP, Ron Keel. I have interviewed 11 at this point. I will save some of the names for a later date, but it is really a good list of Metal Pros.
PDRR: I’ve heard you did questions such as: If you took a drug test today, what would it tell us? or How big is your house? Did you have some difficult in getting the answers? I mean: do you think those artists talked freely about all the topics?
Michael: The participants have been incredibly open with me. Most of them tell me a little bit about their house. All of them have been open about their drug use in the past, and even current drug use--but most of them are clean at this point. I have asked some of the guys how many women they think they have been with. Some answered, some didn’t. "Craziest Groupie Experience?" has made for some good answers!
PDRR: How much time did it take to write the book? Did you enjoy it?
Michael: I started doing the leg work for the book in early January. I then went to the NAMM show in late January, and that is where I made my initial contact with a lot of the guys. Since then it has been averaging about 60 hours a week. Remember, I am a one man operation, so it does take a lot of time. And from concept to complete product, it's only taking 6 months. That might be some kind of record! Given that the interviews are somewhat time sensitive, it's important that I release the book as soon as possible. Although there are ups and downs with everything, this is the best "job" that I have ever had!
PDRR: When it will be released and how can we get it?
Michael: It will be released in July on The website is currently under construction, but our Facebook Fan Page is very up to date and will be where we let people know all of the details regarding the timeline on the book.
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